The second ‘Airborne Gunner’ SX will run at Cusses Gorse MX circuit on Tuesday 9th August, the day before Steel Hawk MCC’s ‘Rock it til Sundown Summer MX Classic’ which will be in it’s fifth year in 2022, effectively making a two day event for those who wish to race both events or come out to spectate.
Like ‘Rock it til Sundown’ the ‘Airborne Gunner SX’ will mirror the formula of youth racing in the daytime with adults rolling out for their fun in the evening. Youth racing will feature the Revvi Cup, Auto, 65cc, Small Wheel 85cc, Big Wheeled 85cc, Rookie 125cc and Rookie 250cc classes while the adult schedule will consist of Pro’s, Clubman MX2, Clubman MX1, Expert Open and the two Revvi Cup races.
Small Wheel 85’s
Big Wheel 85’s
Rookies 125’s
Rookies 250f’s
Revvi Cup
12″ Open Class – 3-5 years old
16″ Open Class – 3-5 years old
16″ Open Class – 6-8 years old
Adult Expert MX1
Adult Expert MX2
Adult Clubman MX1
Adult Clubman MX2
To enter the Airborne Gunner Supercross >>CLICK HERE<<
Daytime – Youth
Evening – Adult
The Airborne Gunner Supercross is held at the fantastic Cusses Gorse MX venue near Salisbury in Wiltshire.
The track is accessible and enjoyable for all abilities.
The circuit also offers great viewing and with plenty of level parking.
The full address for the venue is
Cusses Gorse MX
Cusses Gorse
Long Close Farming
Winterbourne Gunner
Spectators are welcome at our events
Day Ticket – For either the Airborne Gunner Supercross or Rock it ’til Sundown Motocross
Adult – £10
Children 12-16 years of age – £5
Children under 12- FREE
Combo ticket – Both Days – Camping included
Adult – £15
Children 12-16 years of age – £8
Children Under 12 – Free
Programme – £2
To purchase your advance tickets >>CLICK HERE<<
This year we have changed the format slightly so that riders receive three races rather than two. The first race will follow the rider’s practice lap, which will be at 11.30am. Riders can sign in anytime from 8.30am to 11am.
Riders will have another racer 45 minutes later. These two races will decide who the first-ever Airborne Gunner Revvi winners will be based on the total points scored in the two races.
In the evening, the Revvi’s will be back in action for a one-off race in front of the crowd, which will be for the Revvi Cup itself. (the winner of this race will be the Revvi Cup winner. The points from the races earlier in the day do not count towards the Revvi Cup, this way, riders have two chances of winning a title.)
This year we have amended the classes so that we can cater for more riders, so the classes are:
12″ Open 3-5 years of age
16″ Open 3-5 years of age
16″ Open 6-8 years of age
It is £20 to enter, with riders receiving a goody bag and a medal. Riders receive One Adult guest pass, and two guests passes for people aged 12-16 with their entry. Under 12’s go free.
To enter >>CLICK HERE<<
The Supercross is limited to just 12-16 riders per class so don’t delay in getting your entry in.
Electric Mini & Auto’s – £45
65’s, 85’s and Rookies – £50
Adult – Expert & Clubman – £55
Transponder hire is available for £10
Nora day licences are available for £10
Riders receive Two Adult guest passes, and two guests passes for people aged 12-16 with their entry. Under 12’s go free.
Entries are now open >>CLICK HERE<<
A £20 cancellation fee will apply to all cancellations.
No cancellations can be accepted from Midday on Friday the 5th August as we will be on-site and the office will be closed. A doctors certificate will be needed to receive a refund.
Gate Positions for the races are determined by qualifying times, with the quickest qualifier having the first gate pick and so on.
The Auto’s and Junior 65’s have two heats of riders so will have two-point scoring heat races. The 16 riders with the most points after the 2 heat races will go in the A final and the next 16 riders will go in the B Final. The finals will be in the third block of races. The points accrued in the two heats will determine the gate pick in the finals. The winner of the A Final will be the 2022 Airborne Gunner Champion champion with second and third joining them on the podium.
All of the other classes will be determined by three-point scoring races with the top points scorer over the three races being the winner. The gate pick in all three moto’s will be based on qualifying times.
>>CLICK HERE<< for the full entry lists
>>CLICK HERE<< for the Revvi Cup entry lists
>>CLICK HERE<< for the full list of prizes